2 thoughts on “#MuseumNext video QR codes, Smart Objects, Museums and Public Engagement.

  1. Just following someone taking notes in your lecture in Hamburg and got directed to this site. I am a history teacher in Wellington NZ. Love your work here. I am making sound walks with my students. They have to create an audio file that a listener can download and be guided around a site and have its layers of history peeled back. Much more experiential than the average museum audio tour. But, I reckon the basic idea could be adapted for a museum. I love the idea of members of the public being able to download tours of a museum that other members of the public have created. Museums could be places of debate and discussion, rather than simply entertainment and information retrieval! Looking forward to spending more time on this site and adapting ideas for my classes.

  2. Pingback: Revue de Presse Numérique Culturel / Juillet et Août 2012

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